Season 2 Now Streaming!


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Geri Page Butner
Geri provides effective tools to empower potential entrepreneurs, very insightful and interesting! Thanks Christa!

Rob Johnson
A real estate sales success story! Insights into „re-fashioning“ (mobile) the traditional approach, a sign of the times! Loved it!

Mandy DiMarzo
An athlete! From suffering from an eating disorder to lighting the way to the ultimate workout, with a message behind it! Need to watch her workouts! Passionate tale! Thanks Christa

Shane Sam
A revolutionary concept, a mission! A fascinating account. Great interview, Christa

Real stories from real people succeeding
Loved the episode with Tammi Pickle of how she got into the family business of matchmaking. You can hear her passion for what she does in the stories she shared. She’s a good nudge for people she feels will be good together.

Jene Luciani
Loved the insights! Great interview, thanks Christa!đź‘Źđź‘Ť

Tracy Wydra- CBD Skincare Line
This interview will prompt further research into this product line, and ultimate purchases! đź‘Ťđź‘Ź

Don’t mind if I Dough
It seemingly takes a good mindset and belief in your product that pave the road to success đź‘Ź Fascinating insights.

Peter Hubbell
Great insights for College Grads! A very helpful interview for young job seekers! Thanks, Christa!đź‘Ť

Amy Chmelecki/Champion Skydiver
Loved this animated, fascinating exchange! What an amazing career, and thanks for featuring this rare insight, Christa!đź‘Ťđź‘Ź

Everipe/Kerry Roberts
What a great concept! Looking into ordering! Loved the storyline!

Was spellbound by this podcast!! Great exchange, Christa!

Tracy Nathanson
And her meaningful pivot from Broadcast Journalism to Mom and her role of Walk and Talk Therapist! A novel approach to therapy! According to Nancy, it takes self awareness and baby steps to get there! Fascinating interview!

Pet Rescue Pilots/ Founder Julian Javor
How a passion for flying became a mission to help rescue pets! Fascinating and heart warming! Great life story!

From Auto Mechanic to Medical Doctor in his 40ties
This episode is singularly impressive and inspirational! Great interview.

Segued from Football to Fashion
All it takes is “A Vision” and “Intellectual Curiosity”! Loved this episode.

Food Show Host Rob Petrone
Such a colorful personality, multifaceted “doer”! Great insights!!!

Jeff Hammer/Mindset
It starts with the “inner” journey! A roadmap to rebooting your life! Fascinating!

Gave me valuable insights, thanks!

Starting listening and didn’t stop! Great content!

Inspirational interview, great energy!

This is a Must!
Brilliant, fascinating personality! Great interview!

Fun listen
Christa is always worth a listen , funny and always interesting..

Informative and Inspiring!
If you’re looking for an informative and inspiring Podcast, this is it! Easy to listen to and very insightful.

Very Inspirational!!!!
It is so full of incredible stories and great information to help you take that next step to living your best life possible.

An inspiring listen
Came here for the School of Rock story of the Ridders, but found myself interested & inspired to listen to more. Christa is an engaging host who really helps elevate the presentation of these moving stories.

Inspiring and informative!
This podcast has helped me so much with career advice and considering what’s the best option for me.

Great stuff
I changed careers at 47 and while I wouldn’t call going from sportswriter to PR professional a Bucket List move it has given my family security. That isn’t always a box to check for people in career change, but was for me. This podcast is one all who contemplate a change should check out. Christa is terrific!

Hits home
In times like these, who isn’t reevaluating their path forward? This podcast gives us a taste of what could be, from those who have been at that “fork in the road” moment. Christa has an easy charm and is able to tease out insightful revelations from her guests. Looking forward to the next ones! Martin

So Interesting!!
With just 4 episodes, I’m hooked! This inspired idea of pivoting to interesting careers is such an interesting concept, new favorite podcast! when the next episode comes out, I will be the first to listen!